CALL US  920-894-1374

Let's get started! 
Application Process

Pathways staff are available to answer questions, verify insurance benefits, and discuss funding options Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm by calling 920-894-1374. Press 1 when prompted.

​Individuals go through the following process to be approved for Pathways Treatment services. Required forms are available below or can be completed verbally by calling during business hours.

Clients go through the following process to be accepted into Pathways Programming:

  1. Complete and Submit the online Referral and Screening Questionnaire.  This questionnaire can be completed verbally with staff during business hours, if preferred.
  2. Call Pathways - Applicant, or legal representative should call 920-894-1374. Press 1 when prompted to verbally inform staff the application was submitted, and you would like to be considered for treatment. If after hours, leave your name, date of birth, and best number to reach you, so staff can easily return your call.  
  3. Wait for Response - After contact has been made by the applicant, staff will verify insurance benefits / funding, and determine the appropriate level of care based on the information obtained. 
    • If approved and funding is verified, the Admission Process begins.  ​
    • If approved but funding is a problem, staff will attempt to provide additional resources possibly not overlooked.
    • If not approved, staff will discuss what options are available to you and provide resources in your area that may better suit your needs. 

Important Documents

To be Completed and Submitted to Pathways PRIOR TO Admission:

To Review PRIOR TO Admission:

How to begin

...but then I went to Pathways. They taught me to love myself and that I was worth saving. The counselors really cared about me and didn't judge me. They saved my life and showed me life can be a happy place and that I deserve to be happy...

Admission Process

Admission to an addiction rehabilitation center like Pathways can be stressful. However, it may be the only way to find freedom from the hold of alcohol and drug addiction. At Pathways, we try to help all clients feel welcome throughout their time at our facility, from their initial admission to their newfound freedom at discharge. 

Clients go through the following process PRIOR to the time of Admission:

  1. Medical Screening and Exam – The new client must be medically cleared from communicable diseases.  This is completed by the client's Primary Care Physician (PCP) or other physician or nurse practitioner asks the client if they are aware of any Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD).  If there are any concerns, testing may be done, but is not required to admit.  TB skin test is given during the medical screening and results can be read while at Pathways.  At this time, COVID-19 testing is also required prior to admission. (See Medical Clearance form)  Sometimes we learn at this point that detoxification services are needed at the hospital and those arrangements are worked out with the client and, when need to be, the family/representative. Clients must obtain a physician signed medication order for all prescriptions and over the counter medications. 
  2. What to Bring to Treatment - It is time to pack appropriate clothing for the season, medications in their original bottles, and the toiletries needed during your stay.  See What to Bring to Treatment in the Policy Acknowledgement form below. 

Clients go through the following process AT THE TIME of Admission:

  1. Greetings, Payments and Farewells – Pathways hours of admittance to our residential program are 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday thru Thursday, by appointment only. We may however, allow a late admission if approved by the Administrator.  We ask that clients coming to Pathways do not drive themselves, but rather are transported by family or friends. We may assist in arranging transportation when assistance is needed. Upon arrival, clients are greeted by staff. A private meeting is then held with the new client to answer any questions, identify any withdrawal symptoms and further prepare them for their experience at Pathways. Payment information is reviewed and money is collected. We then give all necessary information to the client's family members/friends, including how to contact their loved one during rehabilitation, family visitation information, and details about Pathway's Family Group program. (See Family Programming, Visitation and Sending Mail form) Once all this information has been provided and questions have been answered, you will then have a chance to say your farewells to your family/friends.
  2. Paperwork, Books and Drug Test – Staff will then assist the client in completing all necessary paperwork. A breathalyzer and urine drug test is administered.
  3. Room and "Buddy" Assignment – All client belongings are then searched and a room is assigned within the Pathways facility. There are two clients per bedroom. A "buddy" – an individual who is further along in treatment and can assist the new client becoming comfortable in the first 10 days of recovery – is also assigned and introduced to the new client.

We are committed to assisting residents and their families with the development of strategies to maintain a healthier lifestyle, self-actualization, and restoration of the whole person within a trauma informed environment.

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